Performance Drop-Ins & Workshops
This class is...not a class! We have a series of Drop-Ins and Workshops that zoom in to specific areas that can improve your craft, whether you're pursuing Improv Comedy, Stand-Up Comedy, or Acting. Our Workshops are always led by our most experienced Instructors, so that attendees can get some personalized feedback during the session. We also make sure each session is taught in a "Meet you where you're at" way, so that whether you're just starting out on your journey or if you've been performing for a while, you'll be able to learn something new. Join us for our next sessions too zoom in to some of the more specialized skills that can help you be a better performer!
A Little More about the Performance Drop-Ins & Workshops
Who's are these Sessions for?
Performers at any level who want to continue learning skills and adding different perspectives, but can't commit to a full class at the moment
People who want to try out a small session to learn a part of Comedy from a different style than their own
Performers who want to learn topically and focus on one area in a session instead of multiple during a class
People who love the Comedy journey and love learning!
The locations, timing, topics, and cost will all change with these depending on what they cover and where they're held. Make sure you fill out the Class Interest Form so we can keep you up to date with the future options!​
Cost will fluctuate depending on the time and skill level, but the range is typically between $10-$25
What do these Workshops cover?
Past topics include:
Creating and Building Out Characters​
Creating Content for Stand-Up Comedians
Utilizing Relationships and History to create Interpersonal Comedy
The Basics of Stage Presence and Projecting
Creating Teamwork with performers you've just met
Being a more Dynamic Stand-Up Performer
Using Personal Experience to fuel your Jokes
Giving and Receiving Playable Gifts
Upcoming Dates:​
January 11th - Stand-Up Workshop - 3 Types of Crowdwork & Their Uses
January 11th - Improv Workshop - Going from Yes-And to Both-And
February 1st - Acting Workshop - Memorizing Monologues
February 1st - Improv Workshop - Creating Memorable, High-Level Characters
How to Sign Up:
Fill out the Class Interest Form to connect with our team of instructors. They'll connect with you, answer any questions you have in general, and keep you up to date with all of the upcoming opportunities
When an Opportunity comes up, they'll communicate with you about when and where the session is, what the session is about, and see if that session might be a good fit for you
They'll send you a specific discount code associated with that session along with the instructions on how to sign up, and then confirm when you're all set!