Intermediate Improv Comedy IV: Stay for a While (Longform)
After learning the Fundamentals of Improv Comedy, you might want to transition to Longform Improv Comedy instead of doing Shortform. If that's you, we can help! Our Intermediate Improv Comedy IV class is our Longform class, and while it will still build on everything you learned in the Fundamentals class, you don't have to take Intermediate I-III before taking this class. Would those help? Of course, but they're not mandatory! In this class, we explore the differences between Longform & Shortform, discover how to build meaningful Relationships with history that will help build longer scenes, and we master the art of the callback. Great Longform Improv doesn't just create a flurry of individual scenes, but finds a way to tie them all together, and this class is perfect for practicing exactly that!
A Little More about the Intermediate Improv Comedy IV (Longform) Course
Who's this Class for?
People who have done either our Improv Fundamentals course, have past experience, or have done a class with another group to learn the fundamentals of Improv
- People who have learned the art of Shortform Improv Comedy, but want to learn what the other side looks like! Longform utilizes all of the same skills, but in completely different ways, so it's a fun way to expand your existing skillset in a new environment
- Performers who are looking to use Improv to help them tell better stories in other types of entertainment. Longform is specifically good for writers and Stand-Up Comedians
- Anyone who loves Improv Comedy and wants to spend 6 weeks laughing with a bunch of other people!
- Anyone in Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Morrisville, Knightdale, or any other areas surrounding RDU that wants to see what Longform is all about
​This is a 6-week course with each session being 2 hours
- This course is $185, but it requires a unique discount code that's provided by an Instructor, so fill out the Class Interest Form today and get in touch for your code!
What does this Class cover?
The Fundamentals of Longform Improv Comedy and how it differs from Shortform
How to build deep & meaningful Relationships, and how to utilize those over multiple scenes
Using the power of History to open doors for potential conflicts
How to use multiple scenes to tell a consistent story and paint a consistent picture
Paying Attention to multiple ideas and connecting the dots through Callbacks
Upcoming Dates:​
2025's Schedule is coming out soon. Get it touch with us to get in the list so you get the info when the schedule goes live!
How to Sign Up:
Fill out the Class Interest Form to connect with our team of instructors. They'll make sure to answer any questions you have, and make sure you're pursuing the right class
An Instructor will send you a Quicklist for your preferred class, which includes all the details for that class along with a discount code to bring the class to $185
Follow the instructions and get signed up! Your instructor will confirm your spot in the class